Time and Frequency response analysis
Frequency response
Frequency responses are calculated using freqresp
, bode
, sigma
and nyquist
. Frequency-response plots are obtained using bodeplot
, sigmaplot
, nyquistplot
, marginplot
and nicholsplot
Any TransferFunction
can be evaluated at a point using F(s)
, F(omega, true)
, F(z, false)
evaluates the continuous-time transfer functionF
evaluates the discrete-time transfer functionF
evaluates the discrete-time transfer functionF
A video demonstrating frequency-response analysis in ControlSystems.jl is available below.
Time response (simulation)
Simulation with arbitrary inputs is primarily handled by the function lsim
, with step
and impulse
serving as convenience functions to simulate responses to particular inputs.
The function lsim
can take an input vector u
containing a sampled input trajectory, or an input function taking the state and time as arguments, u(x,t)
. This function can be used to easily simulate, e.g., ramp responses or saturated state-feedback control etc. See the docstring of lsim
for more details.
For more extensive nonlinear simulation capabilities, see the notes on ModelingToolkit and DifferentialEquations under The wider Julia ecosystem for control.
Example step response:
The following simulates a step response of a second-order system and plots the result.
using ControlSystemsBase, Plots
G = tf(1, [1, 1, 1])
res = step(G, 20) # Simulate 20 seconds step response
Using the function stepinfo
, we can compute characteristics of a step response:
si = stepinfo(res)
Initial value: 0.000
Final value: 1.000
Step size: 1.000
Peak: 1.163
Peak time: 3.652 s
Overshoot: 16.30 %
Undershoot: 0.00 %
Settling time: 8.134 s
Rise time: 1.660 s
We can also plot the StepInfo
Example lsim
The function lsim
can take the control input as either
- An array of equidistantly sampled values, in this case the argument
is expected to have the shapenu × n_time
- A function of the state and time
. This form allows simulation of state feedback, a step response at time $t_0$:u(x, t) = amplitude * (t > t0)
, or a ramp response:u(x, t) = t
The example below simulates state feedback with a step disturbance at $t=4$ by providing the function u(x,t) = -L*x .+ (t > 4)
to lsim
using ControlSystems
using LinearAlgebra: I
using Plots
A = [0 1; 0 0]
B = [0;1]
C = [1 0]
sys = ss(A,B,C,0)
Q = I
R = I
L = lqr(sys,Q,R)
u(x,t) = -L*x .+ (t > 4) # State feedback + step disturbance
t = 0:0.1:12
x0 = [1,0]
y, t, x, uout = lsim(sys,u,t,x0=x0)
plot(t,x', lab=["Position" "Velocity"], xlabel="Time [s]"); vline!([4], lab="Step disturbance", l=(:black, :dash, 0.5))
A video demonstrating time-domain simulation in ControlSystems.jl is available below.
— TypeSimulator
f = (x,p,t) -> x
y = (x,t) -> y
— MethodSimulator(P::StateSpace, u = (x,t) -> 0)
Used to simulate continuous-time systems. See function ?solve
for additional info.
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
dt = 0.1
tfinal = 20
t = 0:dt:tfinal
P = ss(tf(1,[2,1])^2)
K = 5
reference(x,t) = [1.]
s = Simulator(P, reference)
x0 = [0.,0]
tspan = (0.0,tfinal)
sol = solve(s, x0, tspan, Tsit5())
plot(t, s.y(sol, t)[:], lab="Open loop step response")
— Methody, t, x = step(sys[, tfinal])
y, t, x = step(sys[, t])
Calculate the response of the system sys
to a unit step at time t = 0
. If the final time tfinal
or time vector t
is not provided, one is calculated based on the system pole locations.
The return value is a structure of type SimResult
. A SimResul
can be plotted by plot(result)
, or destructured as y, t, x = result
has size (ny, length(t), nu)
, x
has size (nx, length(t), nu)
— Methody, t, x = impulse(sys[, tfinal])
y, t, x = impulse(sys[, t])
Calculate the response of the system sys
to an impulse at time t = 0
. For continous-time systems, the impulse is a unit Dirac impulse. For discrete-time systems, the impulse lasts one sample and has magnitude 1/Ts
. If the final time tfinal
or time vector t
is not provided, one is calculated based on the system pole locations.
The return value is a structure of type SimResult
. A SimResul
can be plotted by plot(result)
, or destructured as y, t, x = result
has size (ny, length(t), nu)
, x
has size (nx, length(t), nu)
See also lsim
— Methodres = lsim!(ws::LsimWorkspace, sys::AbstractStateSpace{<:Discrete}, u, [t]; x0)
In-place version of lsim
that takes a workspace object created by calling LsimWorkspace
. Notice, if u
is a function, res.u === ws.u
. If u
is an array, res.u === u
— Methodresult = lsim(sys, u[, t]; x0, method])
result = lsim(sys, u::Function, t; x0, method)
Calculate the time response of system sys
to input u
. If x0
is omitted, a zero vector is used.
The result structure contains the fields y, t, x, u
and can be destructured automatically by iteration, e.g.,
y, t, x, u = result
can also be plotted directly:
plot(result, plotu=true, plotx=false)
, x
, u
have time in the second dimension. Initial state x0
defaults to zero.
Continuous-time systems are simulated using an ODE solver if u
is a function (requires using ControlSystems). If u
is an array, the system is discretized (with method=:zoh
by default) before simulation. For a lower-level interface, see ?Simulator
and ?solve
. For continuous-time systems, keyword arguments are forwarded to the ODE solver. By default, the option dtmax = t[2]-t[1]
is used to prevent the solver from stepping over discontinuities in u(x, t)
. This prevents the solver from taking too large steps, but may also slow down the simulation when u
is smooth. To disable this behavior, set dtmax = Inf
can be a function or a matrix of precalculated control signals and must have dimensions (nu, length(t))
. If u
is a function, then u(x,i)
(for discrete systems) or u(x,t)
(for continuous ones) is called to calculate the control signal at every iteration (time instance used by solver). This can be used to provide a control law such as state feedback u(x,t) = -L*x
calculated by lqr
. To simulate a unit step at t=t₀
, use (x,t)-> t ≥ t₀
, for a ramp, use (x,t)-> t
, for a step at t=5
, use (x,t)-> (t >= 5)
Note: The function u
will be called once before simulating to verify that it returns an array of the correct dimensions. This can cause problems if u
is stateful or has other side effects. You can disable this check by passing check_u = false
For maximum performance, see function lsim!
, available for discrete-time systems only.
Usage example:
using ControlSystems
using LinearAlgebra: I
using Plots
A = [0 1; 0 0]
B = [0;1]
C = [1 0]
sys = ss(A,B,C,0)
Q = I
R = I
L = lqr(sys,Q,R)
u(x,t) = -L*x # Form control law
t = 0:0.1:5
x0 = [1,0]
y, t, x, uout = lsim(sys,u,t,x0=x0)
plot(t,x', lab=["Position" "Velocity"], xlabel="Time [s]")
# Alternative way of plotting
res = lsim(sys,u,t,x0=x0)
— Methodstepinfo(res::SimResult; y0 = nothing, yf = nothing, settling_th = 0.02, risetime_th = (0.1, 0.9))
Compute the step response characteristics for a simulation result. The following information is computed and stored in a StepInfo
: The initial value of the responseyf
: The final value of the responsestepsize
: The size of the steppeak
: The peak value of the responsepeaktime
: The time at which the peak occursovershoot
: The percentage overshoot of the responseundershoot
: The percentage undershoot of the response. If the step response never reaches below the initial value, the undershoot is zero.settlingtime
: The time at which the response settles withinsettling_th
of the final valuesettlingtimeind
: The index at which the response settles withinsettling_th
of the final valuerisetime
: The time at which the response rises fromrisetime_th[1]
of the final value
: The result from a simulation usingstep
: The initial value, if not provided, the first value of the response is used.yf
: The final value, if not provided, the last value of the response is used. The simulation must have reached steady-state for an automatically computed value to make sense. If the simulation has not reached steady state, you may provide the final value manually.settling_th
: The threshold for computing the settling time. The settling time is the time at which the response settles withinsettling_th
of the final value.risetime_th
: The lower and upper threshold for computing the rise time. The rise time is the time at which the response rises fromrisetime_th[1]
of the final value.
G = tf([1], [1, 1, 1])
res = step(G, 15)
si = stepinfo(res)
— MethodLsimWorkspace(sys::AbstractStateSpace, N::Int)
LsimWorkspace(sys::AbstractStateSpace, u::AbstractMatrix)
LsimWorkspace{T}(ny, nu, nx, N)
Generate a workspace object for use with the in-place function lsim!
. sys
is the discrete-time system to be simulated and N
is the number of time steps, alternatively, the input u
can be provided instead of N
. Note: for threaded applications, create one workspace object per thread.
— TypeStepInfo
Computed using stepinfo
: The initial value of the step response.yf
: The final value of the step response.stepsize
: The size of the step.peak
: The peak value of the step response.peaktime
: The time at which the peak occurs.overshoot
: The overshoot of the step response.settlingtime
: The time at which the step response has settled to withinsettling_th
of the final value.settlingtimeind::Int
: The index at which the step response has settled to withinsettling_th
of the final value.risetime
: The time at which the response rises fromrisetime_th[1]
of the final valuei10::Int
: The index at which the response reachesrisetime_th[1]
: The index at which the response reachesrisetime_th[2]
: The simulation result used to compute the step response characteristics.settling_th
: The threshold used to computesettlingtime
: The thresholds used to computerisetime
, andi90
— Methodmag, phase, w = bode(sys[, w]; unwrap=true)
Compute the magnitude and phase parts of the frequency response of system sys
at frequencies w
. See also bodeplot
and phase
has size (ny, nu, length(w))
. If unwrap
is true (default), the function unwrap!
will be applied to the phase angles. This procedure is costly and can be avoided if the unwrapping is not required.
For higher performance, see the function bodemag!
that computes the magnitude only.
— Methodmag = bodemag!(ws::BodemagWorkspace, sys::LTISystem, w::AbstractVector)
Compute the Bode magnitude operating in-place on an instance of BodemagWorkspace
. Note that the returned magnitude array is aliased with ws.mag
. The output array mag
is ∈ 𝐑(ny, nu, nω).
— Methodevalfr(sys, x)
Evaluate the transfer function of the LTI system sys at the complex number s=x (continuous-time) or z=x (discrete-time).
For many values of x
, use freqresp
— Methodfreqresp!(R::Array{T, 3}, sys::LTISystem, w_vec::AbstractVector{<:Real})
In-place version of freqresp
that takes a pre-allocated array R
of size (ny, nu, nw)`
— Methodsys_fr = freqresp(sys, w)
Evaluate the frequency response of a linear system
w -> C*((iw*im*I - A)^-1)*B + D
of system sys
over the frequency vector w
— Methodre, im, w = nyquist(sys[, w])
Compute the real and imaginary parts of the frequency response of system sys
at frequencies w
. See also nyquistplot
and im
has size (ny, nu, length(w))
— Methodsv, w = sigma(sys[, w])
Compute the singular values sv
of the frequency response of system sys
at frequencies w
. See also sigmaplot
has size (min(ny, nu), length(w))
— MethodBodemagWorkspace(sys::LTISystem, N::Int)
BodemagWorkspace(sys::LTISystem, ω::AbstractVector)
BodemagWorkspace(R::Array{Complex{T}, 3}, mag::Array{T, 3})
BodemagWorkspace{T}(ny, nu, N)
Generate a workspace object for use with the in-place function bodemag!
. N
is the number of frequency points, alternatively, the input ω
can be provided instead of N
. Note: for threaded applications, create one workspace object per thread.
: The output array ∈ 𝐑(ny, nu, nω)R
: Frequency-response array ∈ 𝐂(ny, nu, nω)
— MethodF(s)
, F(omega, true)
, F(z, false)
Notation for frequency response evaluation.
- F(s) evaluates the continuous-time transfer function F at s.
- F(omega,true) evaluates the discrete-time transfer function F at exp(imTsomega)
- F(z,false) evaluates the discrete-time transfer function F at z