Exported functions and types
— MethodModelingToolkit.ODESystem(sys::AbstractStateSpace; name::Symbol, x0 = zeros(sys.nx), x_names, u_names, y_names)
Create an ODESystem from sys::StateSpace
: An instance ofStateSpace
: A symbol giving the system a unique name.x0
: Initial state
The arguments below are automatically set if the system is a NamedStateSpace
: A vector of symbols with state names.u_names
: A vector of symbols with input names.y_names
: A vector of symbols with output names.
— MethodG = ControlSystemsBase.feedback(loopgain::T; name)
Form the feedback-interconnection $G = L/(1+L)$
The system G
will be a new system with input
and output
— MethodGainScheduledStateSpace(systems, vt; interpolator, x = zeros((systems[1]).nx), name, u0 = zeros((systems[1]).nu), y0 = zeros((systems[1]).ny))
A linear parameter-varying (LPV) version of Blocks.StateSpace
, implementing the following equations:
\[\begin{aligned} \dot{x} &= A(v) x + B(v) u \\ y &= C(v) x + D(v) u \end{aligned}\]
where v
is a scalar scheduling variable.
See example usage in the gain-scheduling example.
: A vector ofControlSystemsBase.StateSpace
: A vector of breakpoint values for the scheduling variablev
, this has the same length assystems
: A constructori = interpolator(values, breakpoints)
and returns an interpolator object that can be called likei(v)
to get the interpolated value atv
from DataInterpolations.jl is a good choice, but a lookup table can also be used.
of typeRealInput
connects to $u$.output
of typeRealOutput
connects to $y$.scheduling_input
of typeRealInput
connects to $v$.
— Methodbatch_ss(sys, inputs, outputs, ops::AbstractVector{<:AbstractDict};
t = 0.0,
allow_input_derivatives = false,
Linearize sys
in multiple operating points ops::Vector{Dict}
. Returns a vector of StateSpace
objects and the simplified system.
using ControlSystemsMTK, ModelingToolkit, RobustAndOptimalControl
using ModelingToolkit: getdefault
# Create a model
@parameters t k=10 k3=2 c=1
@variables x(t)=0 [bounds = (-2, 2)]
@variables v(t)=0
@variables u(t)=0
@variables y(t)=0
D = Differential(t)
eqs = [D(x) ~ v
D(v) ~ -k * x - k3 * x^3 - c * v + 10u
y ~ x]
@named duffing = ODESystem(eqs, t)
bounds = getbounds(duffing, unknowns(duffing))
sample_within_bounds((l, u)) = (u - l) * rand() + l
# Create a vector of operating points
ops = map(1:N) do i
op = Dict(x => sample_within_bounds(bounds[x]) for x in keys(bounds) if isfinite(bounds[x][1]))
Ps, ssys = batch_ss(duffing, [u], [y], ops)
w = exp10.(LinRange(-2, 2, 200))
bodeplot(Ps, w)
P = RobustAndOptimalControl.ss2particles(Ps) # convert to a single StateSpace system with `Particles` as coefficients.
bodeplot(P, w) # Should look similar to the one above
Let's also do some tuning for the linearized models above
function batch_tune(f, Ps)
Cs = batch_tune(Ps) do P
# C, kp, ki, fig, CF = loopshapingPI(P, 6; phasemargin=45)
C, kp, ki, kd, fig, CF = loopshapingPID(P, 6; Mt=1.3, Tf = 1/100)
P = RobustAndOptimalControl.ss2particles(Ps)
C = RobustAndOptimalControl.ss2particles(Cs)
nyquistplot(P * C,
ylims = (-10, 3),
xlims = (-5, 10),
points = true,
Ms_circles = [1.5, 2],
Mt_circles = [1.5, 2])
# Fit circles that encircle the Nyquist curve for each frequency
centers, radii = fit_complex_perturbations(P * C, w; relative = false, nominal = :center)
nyquistcircles!(w, centers, radii, ylims = (-4, 1), xlims = (-3, 4))
See also trajectory_ss
and fuzz
— Methodbuild_quadratic_cost_matrix(linear_sys, ssys::ODESystem, costs::Vector{Pair})
For a system that has been linearized, assemble a quadratic cost matrix (for LQR or Kalman filtering) that penalizes states or outputs of simplified system ssys
according to the vector of pairs costs
The motivation for this function is that ModelingToolkit does not guarantee
- Which states are selected as states after simplification.
- The order of the states.
The second problem above, the ordering of the states, can be worked around using reorder_states
, but the first problem cannot be solved by trivial reordering. This function thus accepts an array of costs for a user-selected state realization, and assembles the correct cost matrix for the state realization selected by MTK. To do this, the funciton needs the linearization (linear_sys
) as well as the simplified system, both of which are outputs of linearize
: Output oflinearize
, an object containing a property calledC
. This can be aControlSystemsBase.StateSpace
or aNamedTuple
with a fieldC
: Output oflinearize
: A vector of pairs
— Methodbuild_quadratic_cost_matrix(sys::ODESystem, inputs::Vector, costs::Vector{Pair}; kwargs...)
Assemble a quadratic cost matrix (for LQR or Kalman filtering) that penalizes states or outputs of system sys
according to the vector of pairs costs
The motivation for this function is that ModelingToolkit does not guarantee
- Which states are selected as states after simplification.
- The order of the states.
The second problem above, the ordering of the states, can be worked around using reorder_states
, but the first problem cannot be solved by trivial reordering. This function thus accepts an array of costs for a user-selected state realization, and assembles the correct cost matrix for the state realization selected by MTK. To do this, the funciton performs a linearization between inputs and the cost outputs. The linearization is used to determine the matrix entries belonging to states that are not part of the realization chosen by MTK.
: The system to be linearized (not simplified).inputs
: A vector of variables that are to be considered controlled inputs for the LQR controller.costs
: A vector of pairs.
— Functionget_named_comp_sensitivity(sys, ap::AnalysisPoint; kwargs...)
get_named_comp_sensitivity(sys, ap_name::Symbol; kwargs...)
Call ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks.get_comp_sensitivity
while retaining signal names. Returns a NamedStateSpace
object (similar to named_ss
— Functionget_named_looptransfer(sys, ap::AnalysisPoint; kwargs...)
get_named_looptransfer(sys, ap_name::Symbol; kwargs...)
Call ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks.get_looptransfer
while retaining signal names. Returns a NamedStateSpace
object (similar to named_ss
— Functionget_named_sensitivity(sys, ap::AnalysisPoint; kwargs...)
get_named_sensitivity(sys, ap_name::Symbol; kwargs...)
Call ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks.get_sensitivity
while retaining signal names. Returns a NamedStateSpace
object (similar to named_ss
— Methodsconnect(sys1::T, sys2::T; name)
Connect systems in series, equivalent to sys2*sys1
or series(sys1, sys2)
in ControlSystems.jl terminology
— Methodsconnect(input::Function, sys::T; name)
sconnect(input::Num, sys::T; name)
Connect a function input(t)
to sys.input
sconnect(sin, sys) # Connect a funciton, assumed to be a function of time
sconnect(sin(t), sys) # Connect a Num
— Methodlinsystems, ssys = trajectory_ss(sys, inputs, outputs, sol; t = _max_100(sol.t), fuzzer=nothing, verbose = true, kwargs...)
Linearize sys
around the trajectory sol
at times t
. Returns a vector of StateSpace
objects and the simplified system.
: A vector of variables or analysis points.outputs
: A vector of variables or analysis points.sol
: An ODE solution object. This solution must contain the states of the simplified system, accessible through theidxs
argument likesol(t, idxs=x)
: Time points along the solution trajectory at which to linearize. The returned array ofStateSpace
objects will be of the same length ast
: A function that takes an operating point dictionary and returns an array of "fuzzed" operating points. This is useful for adding noise/uncertainty to the operating points along the trajectory. SeeControlSystemsMTK.fuzz
for such a function.verbose
: Iftrue
, print warnings for variables that are not found insol
: Are sent to the linearization functions.
— MethodRobustAndOptimalControl.named_ss(sys::ModelingToolkit.AbstractTimeDependentSystem, inputs, outputs; descriptor=true, kwargs...)
Convert an ODESystem
to a NamedStateSpace
using linearization. inputs, outputs
are vectors of variables determining the inputs and outputs respectively. See docstring of ModelingToolkit.linearize
for more info on kwargs
If descriptor = true
(default), this method automatically converts systems that MTK has failed to produce a proper form for into a proper linear statespace system using the method described here: https://juliacontrol.github.io/ControlSystemsMTK.jl/dev/#Internals:-Transformation-of-non-proper-models-to-proper-statespace-form If descriptor = false
, the system is instead converted to a statespace realization using sys[:,uinds] + sys[:,duinds]*tf('s')
, which tends to result in a larger realization on which the user may want to call minreal(sys, tol)
with a carefully selected tolerance.
See also ModelingToolkit.linearize
which is the lower-level function called internally. The functions get_named_sensitivity
, get_named_comp_sensitivity
, get_named_looptransfer
similarily provide convenient ways to compute sensitivity functions while retaining signal names in the same way as named_ss
. The corresponding lower-level functions get_sensitivity
, get_comp_sensitivity
and get_looptransfer
are available in ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks and are documented in MTKstdlib: Linear analysis.
— Functionfig = bodeplot(sys, args...)
bodeplot(LTISystem[sys1, sys2...], args...; plotphase=true, balance = true, kwargs...)
Create a Bode plot of the LTISystem
(s). A frequency vector w
can be optionally provided. To change the Magnitude scale see setPlotScale
. The default magnitude scale is "log10" (absolute scale).
- If
, the plot x-axis will be displayed in Hertz, the input frequency vector is still treated as rad/s. balance
: Callbalance_statespace
on the system before plotting.adjust_phase_start
: If true, the phase will be adjusted so that it starts at -90*intexcess degrees, whereintexcess
is the integrator excess of the system.
is sent as argument to RecipesBase.plot.
— Function(; A, B, C, D), simplified_sys = linearize(sys, inputs, outputs; t=0.0, op = Dict(), allow_input_derivatives = false, zero_dummy_der=false, kwargs...)
(; A, B, C, D) = linearize(simplified_sys, lin_fun; t=0.0, op = Dict(), allow_input_derivatives = false, zero_dummy_der=false)
Linearize sys
between inputs
and outputs
, both vectors of variables. Return a NamedTuple with the matrices of a linear statespace representation on the form
\[\begin{aligned} ẋ &= Ax + Bu\\ y &= Cx + Du \end{aligned}\]
The first signature automatically calls linearization_function
internally, while the second signature expects the outputs of linearization_function
as input.
denotes the operating point around which to linearize. If none is provided, the default values of sys
are used.
If allow_input_derivatives = false
, an error will be thrown if input derivatives ($u̇$) appear as inputs in the linearized equations. If input derivatives are allowed, the returned B
matrix will be of double width, corresponding to the input [u; u̇]
can be set to automatically set the operating point to zero for all dummy derivatives.
See also linearization_function
which provides a lower-level interface, linearize_symbolic
and ModelingToolkit.reorder_unknowns
See extended help for an example.
The implementation and notation follows that of "Linear Analysis Approach for Modelica Models", Allain et al. 2009
Extended help
This example builds the following feedback interconnection and linearizes it from the input of F
to the output of P
r ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐
───►│ ├──────►│ │ u │ │
│ F │ │ C ├────►│ P │ y
└─────┘ ┌►│ │ │ ├─┬─►
│ └─────┘ └─────┘ │
│ │
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
function plant(; name)
@variables x(t) = 1
@variables u(t)=0 y(t)=0
eqs = [D(x) ~ -x + u
y ~ x]
ODESystem(eqs, t; name = name)
function ref_filt(; name)
@variables x(t)=0 y(t)=0
@variables u(t)=0 [input = true]
eqs = [D(x) ~ -2 * x + u
y ~ x]
ODESystem(eqs, t, name = name)
function controller(kp; name)
@variables y(t)=0 r(t)=0 u(t)=0
@parameters kp = kp
eqs = [
u ~ kp * (r - y),
ODESystem(eqs, t; name = name)
@named f = ref_filt()
@named c = controller(1)
@named p = plant()
connections = [f.y ~ c.r # filtered reference to controller reference
c.u ~ p.u # controller output to plant input
p.y ~ c.y]
@named cl = ODESystem(connections, t, systems = [f, c, p])
lsys0, ssys = linearize(cl, [f.u], [p.x])
desired_order = [f.x, p.x]
lsys = ModelingToolkit.reorder_unknowns(lsys0, unknowns(ssys), desired_order)
@assert lsys.A == [-2 0; 1 -2]
@assert lsys.B == [1; 0;;]
@assert lsys.C == [0 1]
@assert lsys.D[] == 0
## Symbolic linearization
lsys_sym, _ = ModelingToolkit.linearize_symbolic(cl, [f.u], [p.x])
@assert substitute(lsys_sym.A, ModelingToolkit.defaults(cl)) == lsys.A
— Functionlin_fun, simplified_sys = linearization_function(sys::AbstractSystem, inputs, outputs; simplify = false, initialize = true, initialization_solver_alg = TrustRegion(), kwargs...)
Return a function that linearizes the system sys
. The function linearize
provides a higher-level and easier to use interface.
is a function (variables, p, t) -> (; f_x, f_z, g_x, g_z, f_u, g_u, h_x, h_z, h_u)
, i.e., it returns a NamedTuple with the Jacobians of f,g,h
for the nonlinear sys
(technically for simplified_sys
) on the form
\[\begin{aligned} ẋ &= f(x, z, u) \\ 0 &= g(x, z, u) \\ y &= h(x, z, u) \end{aligned}\]
where x
are differential unknown variables, z
algebraic variables, u
inputs and y
outputs. To obtain a linear statespace representation, see linearize
. The input argument variables
is a vector defining the operating point, corresponding to unknowns(simplified_sys)
and p
is a vector corresponding to the parameters of simplified_sys
. Note: all variables in inputs
have been converted to parameters in simplified_sys
The simplified_sys
has undergone structural_simplify
and had any occurring input or output variables replaced with the variables provided in arguments inputs
and outputs
. The unknowns of this system also indicate the order of the unknowns that holds for the linearized matrices.
: AnODESystem
. This function will automatically apply simplification passes onsys
and return the resultingsimplified_sys
: A vector of variables that indicate the inputs of the linearized input-output model.outputs
: A vector of variables that indicate the outputs of the linearized input-output model.simplify
: Apply simplification in tearing.initialize
: If true, a check is performed to ensure that the operating point is consistent (satisfies algebraic equations). If the op is not consistent, initialization is performed.initialization_solver_alg
: A NonlinearSolve algorithm to use for solving for a feasible set of state and algebraic variables that satisfies the specified operating point.kwargs
: Are passed on tofind_solvables!
See also linearize
which provides a higher-level interface.
— FunctionC, kp, ki, kd, fig, CF = loopshapingPID(P, ω; Mt = 1.3, ϕt=75, form=:standard, doplot=false, lb=-10, ub=10, Tf = 1/1000ω, F = nothing)
Selects the parameters of a PID-controller such that the Nyquist curve of the loop-transfer function $L = PC$ at the frequency ω
is tangent to the circle where the magnitude of $T = PC / (1+PC)$ equals Mt
. ϕt
denotes the positive angle in degrees between the real axis and the tangent point.
The default values for Mt
and ϕt
are chosen to give a good design for processes with inertia, and may need tuning for simpler processes.
The gain of the resulting controller is generally increasing with increasing ω
and Mt
: A SISO plant.ω
: The specification frequency.Mt
: The magnitude of the complementary sensitivity function at the specification frequency, $|T(iω)|$.ϕt
: The positive angle in degrees between the real axis and the tangent point.doplot
: If true, gang of four and Nyquist plots will be returned infig
: log10 of lower bound forkd
: log10 of upper bound forkd
: Time constant for second-order measurement noise filter on the formtf(1, [Tf^2, 2*Tf/sqrt(2), 1])
to make the controller strictly proper. A practical controller typically sets this time constant slower than the default, e.g.,Tf = 1/100ω
orTf = 1/10ω
: A pre-designed filter to use instead of the default second-order filter.
The parameters can be returned as one of several common representations chosen by form
, the options are
- $K_p(1 + 1/(T_i s) + T_ds)$:series
- $K_c(1 + 1/(τ_i s))(τ_d s + 1)$:parallel
- $K_p + K_i/s + K_d s$
See also loopshapingPI
, pidplots
, stabregionPID
and placePI
P = tf(1, [1,0,0]) # A double integrator
Mt = 1.3 # Maximum magnitude of complementary sensitivity
ω = 1 # Frequency at which the specification holds
C, kp, ki, kd, fig, CF = loopshapingPID(P, ω; Mt, ϕt = 75, doplot=true)
— FunctionRobustAndOptimalControl.named_ss(sys::ModelingToolkit.AbstractTimeDependentSystem, inputs, outputs; descriptor=true, kwargs...)
Convert an ODESystem
to a NamedStateSpace
using linearization. inputs, outputs
are vectors of variables determining the inputs and outputs respectively. See docstring of ModelingToolkit.linearize
for more info on kwargs
If descriptor = true
(default), this method automatically converts systems that MTK has failed to produce a proper form for into a proper linear statespace system using the method described here: https://juliacontrol.github.io/ControlSystemsMTK.jl/dev/#Internals:-Transformation-of-non-proper-models-to-proper-statespace-form If descriptor = false
, the system is instead converted to a statespace realization using sys[:,uinds] + sys[:,duinds]*tf('s')
, which tends to result in a larger realization on which the user may want to call minreal(sys, tol)
with a carefully selected tolerance.
See also ModelingToolkit.linearize
which is the lower-level function called internally. The functions get_named_sensitivity
, get_named_comp_sensitivity
, get_named_looptransfer
similarily provide convenient ways to compute sensitivity functions while retaining signal names in the same way as named_ss
. The corresponding lower-level functions get_sensitivity
, get_comp_sensitivity
and get_looptransfer
are available in ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks and are documented in MTKstdlib: Linear analysis.
named_ss(sys::AbstractStateSpace{T}; x, u, y)
Create a NamedStateSpace
system. This kind of system uses names rather than integer indices to refer to states, inputs and outputs.
- If a single name is provided but a vector of names is expected, this name will be used as prefix followed by a numerical index.
- If no name is provided, default names (
) will be used.
: A system to add names to.x
: A list of symbols with names of the states.u
: A list of symbols with names of the inputs.y
: A list of symbols with names of the outputs.
G1 = ss(1,1,1,0)
G2 = ss(1,1,1,0)
s1 = named_ss(G1, x = :x, u = :u1, y=:y1)
s2 = named_ss(G2, x = :z, u = :u2, y=:y2)
s1[:y1, :u1] # Index using symbols. Uses prefix matching if no exact match is found.
fb = feedback(s1, s2, r = :r) #
named_ss(sys::AbstractStateSpace, name; x, y, u)
If a single name of the system is provided, the outputs, inputs and states will be automatically named y,u,x
with name
as prefix.
named_ss(sys::ExtendedStateSpace; kwargs...)
named_ss(sys::ExtendedStateSpace, name; kwargs...)
Assign names to an ExtendedStateSpace. If no specific names are provided for signals z,y,w,u
and statesx
, names will be generated automatically.
: Prefix to add to all automatically generated names.x
Missing docstring for get_named_sensitivity
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for get_named_comp_sensitivity
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for get_named_looptransfer
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— Function(; A, B, C, D), simplified_sys = linearize_symbolic(sys::AbstractSystem, inputs, outputs; simplify = false, allow_input_derivatives = false, kwargs...)
Similar to linearize
, but returns symbolic matrices A,B,C,D
rather than numeric. While linearize
uses ForwardDiff to perform the linearization, this function uses Symbolics.jacobian
See linearize
for a description of the arguments.
Extended help
The named tuple returned as the first argument additionally contains the jacobians f_x, f_z, g_x, g_z, f_u, g_u, h_x, h_z, h_u
\[\begin{aligned} ẋ &= f(x, z, u) \\ 0 &= g(x, z, u) \\ y &= h(x, z, u) \end{aligned}\]
where x
are differential unknown variables, z
algebraic variables, u
inputs and y
— Function get_sensitivity(sys, ap::AnalysisPoint; kwargs)
get_sensitivity(sys, ap_name::Symbol; kwargs)
Compute the sensitivity function in analysis point ap
. The sensitivity function is obtained by introducing an infinitesimal perturbation d
at the input of ap
, linearizing the system and computing the transfer function between d
and the output of ap
: Are sent toModelingToolkit.linearize
See also get_comp_sensitivity
, get_looptransfer
— Functionget_comp_sensitivity(sys, ap::AnalysisPoint; kwargs)
get_comp_sensitivity(sys, ap_name::Symbol; kwargs)
Compute the complementary sensitivity function in analysis point ap
. The complementary sensitivity function is obtained by introducing an infinitesimal perturbation d
at the output of ap
, linearizing the system and computing the transfer function between d
and the input of ap
: Are sent toModelingToolkit.linearize
See also get_sensitivity
, get_looptransfer
— Functionget_looptransfer(sys, ap::AnalysisPoint; kwargs)
get_looptransfer(sys, ap_name::Symbol; kwargs)
Compute the (linearized) loop-transfer function in analysis point ap
, from ap.out
to ap.in
Feedback loops often use negative feedback, and the computed loop-transfer function will in this case have the negative feedback included. Standard analysis tools often assume a loop-transfer function without the negative gain built in, and the result of this function may thus need negation before use.
: Are sent toModelingToolkit.linearize
See also get_sensitivity
, get_comp_sensitivity
, open_loop
— FunctionStateSpace(A, B, C, D = 0; x = zeros(size(A,1)), u0 = zeros(size(B,2)), y0 = zeros(size(C,1)), name)
A linear, time-invariant state-space system on the form.
\[\begin{aligned} ẋ &= Ax + Bu \\ y &= Cx + Du \end{aligned}\]
Transfer functions can also be simulated by converting them to a StateSpace form.
and u0
can be used to set an operating point, providing them changes the dynamics from an LTI system to the affine system
\[\begin{aligned} ẋ &= Ax + B(u - u0) \\ y &= Cx + D(u - u0) + y0 \end{aligned}\]
For a nonlinear system
\[\begin{aligned} ẋ &= f(x, u) \\ y &= h(x, u) \end{aligned}\]
linearized around the operating point x₀, u₀
, we have y0, u0 = h(x₀, u₀), u₀
— Functionss2particles(G::Vector{<:AbstractStateSpace})
Converts a vector of state space models to a single state space model with coefficient type MonteCarloMeasurements.Particles
See also sys_from_particles
— TypeStateSpace{TE, T} <: AbstractStateSpace{TE}
An object representing a standard state space system.
See the function ss
for a user facing constructor as well as the documentation page creating systems.
— Functionccode(G; simplify = identity, cse = true)
Return a string with C-code for filtering a signal u
through G
If G
is a transfer function, the system must be SISO, for MIMO systems, use a StateSpace
model instead.
With a transfer function as input, the code will return a double corresponding to the single output. With a StateSpace model as input, the code will produce a function that takes a double pointer double *y
as the first input argument. Make sure that y
points to an array of length G.ny
before calling the function.
The state is internally handled by C static
variables, so the generated code is thus stateful.
: A linear systemsimplify
: A function for symbolic simplification. You may trySympy.simplify
, but for large systems, this will take a long time to compute.cse
: Perform common subexpression elimination. This generally improves the performance of the generated code.
— Functionprint_c_array(io, a::Vector{<:AbstractArray}, t::AbstractVector, name = "mat"; cse = false, s = "", print_vector = true, print_logic = true, struct_name::Union{Nothing, String} = nothing, struct_type = nothing, ivecname = name * "_interp_vect")
Write C-code for interpolating between arrays a
. The array t
contains the interpolation points.
print_c_array(io, sys::Vector{<:AbstractStateSpace}, t::AbstractVector, name = "sys"; cse = false, s = "", en = "", struct_name::Union{Nothing, String} = nothing, struct_type = nothing)
Write C-code for an interpolated linear system. The interpolation vector t
defines the interpolation points, this vector is expected to be of the same length as the vector of linear systems sys
s, en
: are strings that are appended at the start and end of variables names in the C-code.struct_name
: If provided, the interpolation matrices will be placed inside a struct with this name.struct_type
: If the struct name is used, provide also the C type of the struct.
Missing docstring for ModelingToolkit.reorder_states
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— Functionfuzz(op, p; N = 10, parameters = true, variables = true)
"Fuzz" an operating point op::Dict
by changing each non-zero value to an uncertain number with multiplicative uncertainty p
, represented by N
samples, i.e., p = 0.1
means that the value is multiplied by a N
numbers between 0.9 and 1.1.
and variables
indicate whether to fuzz parameters and state variables, respectively.
This function modifies all variables the same way. For more fine-grained control, load the MonteCarloMeasurements
package and use the Particles
type directly, followed by MonteCarloMeasurements.particle_dict2dict_vec(op)
, i.e., the following makes uncertain_var
uncertain with a 10% uncertainty:
using MonteCarloMeasurements
op = ModelingToolkit.defaults(sys)
op[uncertain_var] = op[uncertain_var] * Particles(10, Uniform(0.9, 1.1))
ops = MonteCarloMeasurements.particle_dict2dict_vec(op)
batch_ss(model, inputs, outputs, ops)
If you have more than one uncertain parameter, it's important to use the same number of particles for all of them (10 in the example above).
To make use of this function in trajectory_ss
, pass something like
fuzzer = op -> ControlSystemsMTK.fuzz(op, 0.02; N=10)
to fuzz each operating point 10 times with a 2% uncertainty. The resulting number of operating points will increase by 10x.