Functions: State Estimators
This module includes many state estimators (or state observer), both for deterministic and stochastic systems. The implementations focus on control applications, that is, relying on the estimates to compute a full state feedback (predictive controllers, in this package). They all incorporates some kind of integral action by default, since it is generally desired to eliminate the steady-state error with closed-loop control (offset-free tracking).
If you plan to use the estimators for other contexts than this specific package (e.g. : filter, parameter estimation, etc.), careful must be taken at construction since the integral action is not necessarily desired. The options nint_u=0
and nint_ym=0
disable it.
The estimators are all implemented in the current form (a.k.a. as filter form) by default to improve accuracy and robustness, that is, they all estimates at each discrete time $k$ the states of the current period $\mathbf{x̂}_k(k)$[1] (using the newest measurements, see Manual for examples). The predictor form (a.k.a. delayed form) is also available with the option direct=false
. This allow moving the estimator computations after solving the MPC problem with moveinput!
, for when the estimations are expensive (for instance, with the MovingHorizonEstimator
The nomenclature in this page introduces the estimated state $\mathbf{x̂}$ and output $\mathbf{ŷ}$ vectors of respectively nx̂
and ny
elements. Also, all the estimators support measured $\mathbf{y^m}$ (nym
elements) and unmeasured $\mathbf{y^u}$ (nyu
elements) model output, where $\mathbf{y}$ refers to all of them.
— TypeAbstract supertype of all state estimators.
(estim::StateEstimator)(d=[]) -> ŷ
Functor allowing callable StateEstimator
object as an alias for evaloutput
julia> kf = KalmanFilter(setop!(LinModel(tf(3, [10, 1]), 2), yop=[20]), direct=false);
julia> ŷ = kf()
1-element Vector{Float64}:
— TypeSteadyKalmanFilter(model::LinModel; <keyword arguments>)
Construct a steady-state Kalman Filter with the LinModel
The steady-state (or asymptotic) Kalman filter is based on the process model :
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{x}(k+1) &= \mathbf{Â x}(k) + \mathbf{B̂_u u}(k) + \mathbf{B̂_d d}(k) + \mathbf{w}(k) \\ \mathbf{y^m}(k) &= \mathbf{Ĉ^m x}(k) + \mathbf{D̂_d^m d}(k) + \mathbf{v}(k) \\ \mathbf{y^u}(k) &= \mathbf{Ĉ^u x}(k) + \mathbf{D̂_d^u d}(k) \end{aligned}\]
with sensor $\mathbf{v}(k)$ and process $\mathbf{w}(k)$ noises as uncorrelated zero mean white noise vectors, with a respective covariance of $\mathbf{R̂}$ and $\mathbf{Q̂}$. The arguments are in standard deviations σ, i.e. same units than outputs and states. The matrices $\mathbf{Â, B̂_u, B̂_d, Ĉ, D̂_d}$ are model
matrices augmented with the stochastic model, which is specified by the numbers of integrator nint_u
and nint_ym
(see Extended Help). Likewise, the covariance matrices are augmented with $\mathbf{Q̂ = \text{diag}(Q, Q_{int_u}, Q_{int_{ym}})}$ and $\mathbf{R̂ = R}$. The Extended Help provide some guidelines on the covariance tuning. The matrices $\mathbf{Ĉ^m, D̂_d^m}$ are the rows of $\mathbf{Ĉ, D̂_d}$ that correspond to measured outputs $\mathbf{y^m}$ (and unmeasured ones, for $\mathbf{Ĉ^u, D̂_d^u}$). The Kalman filter will estimate the current state with the newest measurements $\mathbf{x̂}_k(k)$ if direct
is true
, else it will predict the state of the next time step $\mathbf{x̂}_k(k+1)$. This estimator is allocation-free.
Keyword arguments with emphasis
are non-Unicode alternatives.
: (deterministic) model for the estimations.i_ym=1:model.ny
output indices that are measured $\mathbf{y^m}$, the rest are unmeasured $\mathbf{y^u}$.σQ=fill(1/model.nx,model.nx)
: main diagonal of the process noise covariance $\mathbf{Q}$ ofmodel
, specified as a standard deviation vector.σR=fill(1,length(i_ym))
: main diagonal of the sensor noise covariance $\mathbf{R}$ ofmodel
measured outputs, specified as a standard deviation vector.nint_u=0
: integrator quantity for the stochastic model of the unmeasured disturbances at the manipulated inputs (vector), usenint_u=0
for no integrator (see Extended Help).nint_ym=default_nint(model,i_ym,nint_u)
: same thannint_u
but for the unmeasured disturbances at the measured outputs, usenint_ym=0
for no integrator (see Extended Help).σQint_u=fill(1,sum(nint_u))
: same thanσQ
but for the unmeasured disturbances at manipulated inputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_u}}$ (composed of integrators).σQint_ym=fill(1,sum(nint_ym))
: same thanσQ
for the unmeasured disturbances at measured outputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_{ym}}}$ (composed of integrators).direct=true
: construct with a direct transmission from $\mathbf{y^m}$ (a.k.a. current estimator, in opposition to the delayed/predictor form).
julia> model = LinModel([tf(3, [30, 1]); tf(-2, [5, 1])], 0.5);
julia> estim = SteadyKalmanFilter(model, i_ym=[2], σR=[1], σQint_ym=[0.01])
SteadyKalmanFilter estimator with a sample time Ts = 0.5 s, LinModel and:
1 manipulated inputs u (0 integrating states)
3 estimated states x̂
1 measured outputs ym (1 integrating states)
1 unmeasured outputs yu
0 measured disturbances d
Extended Help
Extended Help
The σR
argument is generally fixed at the estimated standard deviations of the sensor noises. The σQ
, σQint_u
and σQint_ym
arguments can be used to tune the filter response. Increasing them make the filter more responsive to disturbances but more sensitive to measurement noise.
The model augmentation with nint_u
vector adds integrators at model manipulated inputs, and nint_ym
, at measured outputs. They create the integral action when the estimator is used in a controller as state feedback. By default, the method default_nint
adds one integrator per measured output if feasible. The argument nint_ym
can also be tweaked by following these rules on each measured output:
- Use 0 integrator if the model output is already integrating (else it will be unobservable)
- Use 1 integrator if the disturbances on the output are typically "step-like"
- Use 2 integrators if the disturbances on the output are typically "ramp-like"
The function init_estimstoch
builds the stochastic model for estimation.
Increasing σQint_u
and σQint_ym
values increases the integral action "gain".
The constructor pre-compute the steady-state Kalman gain K̂
with the kalman
function. It can sometimes fail, for example when model
matrices are ill-conditioned. In such a case, you can try the alternative time-varying KalmanFilter
SteadyKalmanFilter(model, i_ym, nint_u, nint_ym, Q̂, R̂; direct=true)
Construct the estimator from the augmented covariance matrices Q̂
and R̂
This syntax allows nonzero off-diagonal elements in $\mathbf{Q̂, R̂}$.
— TypeKalmanFilter(model::LinModel; <keyword arguments>)
Construct a time-varying Kalman Filter with the LinModel
The process model is identical to SteadyKalmanFilter
. The matrix $\mathbf{P̂}$ is the estimation error covariance of model
states augmented with the stochastic ones (specified by nint_u
and nint_ym
). Three keyword arguments specify its initial value with $\mathbf{P̂}_{-1}(0) = \mathrm{diag}\{ \mathbf{P}(0), \mathbf{P_{int_{u}}}(0), \mathbf{P_{int_{ym}}}(0) \}$. The initial state estimate $\mathbf{x̂}_{-1}(0)$ can be manually specified with setstate!
, or automatically with initstate!
. This estimator is allocation-free.
Keyword arguments with emphasis
are non-Unicode alternatives.
: (deterministic) model for the estimations.i_ym=1:model.ny
output indices that are measured $\mathbf{y^m}$, the rest are unmeasured $\mathbf{y^u}$.σP_0=fill(1/model.nx,model.nx)
: main diagonal of the initial estimate covariance $\mathbf{P}(0)$, specified as a standard deviation vector.σQ=fill(1/model.nx,model.nx)
: main diagonal of the process noise covariance $\mathbf{Q}$ ofmodel
, specified as a standard deviation vector.σR=fill(1,length(i_ym))
: main diagonal of the sensor noise covariance $\mathbf{R}$ ofmodel
measured outputs, specified as a standard deviation vector.nint_u=0
: integrator quantity for the stochastic model of the unmeasured disturbances at the manipulated inputs (vector), usenint_u=0
for no integrator.nint_ym=default_nint(model,i_ym,nint_u)
: same thannint_u
but for the unmeasured disturbances at the measured outputs, usenint_ym=0
for no integrator.σQint_u=fill(1,sum(nint_u))
: same thanσQ
but for the unmeasured disturbances at manipulated inputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_u}}$ (composed of integrators).σPint_u_0=fill(1,sum(nint_u))
: same thanσP_0
but for the unmeasured disturbances at manipulated inputs $\mathbf{P_{int_u}}(0)$ (composed of integrators).σQint_ym=fill(1,sum(nint_ym))
: same thanσQ
for the unmeasured disturbances at measured outputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_{ym}}}$ (composed of integrators).σPint_ym_0=fill(1,sum(nint_ym))
: same thanσP_0
but for the unmeasured disturbances at measured outputs $\mathbf{P_{int_{ym}}}(0)$ (composed of integrators).direct=true
: construct with a direct transmission from $\mathbf{y^m}$ (a.k.a. current estimator, in opposition to the delayed/predictor form).
julia> model = LinModel([tf(3, [30, 1]); tf(-2, [5, 1])], 0.5);
julia> estim = KalmanFilter(model, i_ym=[2], σR=[1], σP_0=[100, 100], σQint_ym=[0.01])
KalmanFilter estimator with a sample time Ts = 0.5 s, LinModel and:
1 manipulated inputs u (0 integrating states)
3 estimated states x̂
1 measured outputs ym (1 integrating states)
1 unmeasured outputs yu
0 measured disturbances d
KalmanFilter(model, i_ym, nint_u, nint_ym, P̂_0, Q̂, R̂; direct=true)
Construct the estimator from the augmented covariance matrices P̂_0
, Q̂
and R̂
This syntax allows nonzero off-diagonal elements in $\mathbf{P̂}_{-1}(0), \mathbf{Q̂, R̂}$.
— TypeLuenberger(
i_ym = 1:model.ny,
nint_u = 0,
nint_ym = default_nint(model, i_ym),
poles = 1e-3*(1:(model.nx + sum(nint_u) + sum(nint_ym))) .+ 0.5,
direct = true
Construct a Luenberger observer with the LinModel
provides the model
output indices that are measured $\mathbf{y^m}$, the rest are unmeasured $\mathbf{y^u}$. model
matrices are augmented with the stochastic model, which is specified by the numbers of integrator nint_u
and nint_ym
(see SteadyKalmanFilter
Extended Help). The argument poles
is a vector of model.nx + sum(nint_u) + sum(nint_ym)
elements specifying the observer poles/eigenvalues (near $z=0.5$ by default). The observer is constructed with a direct transmission from $\mathbf{y^m}$ if direct=true
(a.k.a. current observers, in opposition to the delayed/prediction form). The method computes the observer gain K̂
with place
. This estimator is allocation-free.
julia> model = LinModel([tf(3, [30, 1]); tf(-2, [5, 1])], 0.5);
julia> estim = Luenberger(model, nint_ym=[1, 1], poles=[0.61, 0.62, 0.63, 0.64])
Luenberger estimator with a sample time Ts = 0.5 s, LinModel and:
1 manipulated inputs u (0 integrating states)
4 estimated states x̂
2 measured outputs ym (2 integrating states)
0 unmeasured outputs yu
0 measured disturbances d
— TypeUnscentedKalmanFilter(model::SimModel; <keyword arguments>)
Construct an unscented Kalman Filter with the SimModel
Both LinModel
and NonLinModel
are supported. The unscented Kalman filter is based on the process model :
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{x}(k+1) &= \mathbf{f̂}\Big(\mathbf{x}(k), \mathbf{u}(k), \mathbf{d}(k)\Big) + \mathbf{w}(k) \\ \mathbf{y^m}(k) &= \mathbf{ĥ^m}\Big(\mathbf{x}(k), \mathbf{d}(k)\Big) + \mathbf{v}(k) \\ \mathbf{y^u}(k) &= \mathbf{ĥ^u}\Big(\mathbf{x}(k), \mathbf{d}(k)\Big) \\ \end{aligned}\]
See SteadyKalmanFilter
for details on $\mathbf{v}(k), \mathbf{w}(k)$ noises and $\mathbf{R̂}, \mathbf{Q̂}$ covariances. The two matrices are constructed from $\mathbf{Q̂ = \text{diag}(Q, Q_{int_u}, Q_{int_{ym}})}$ and $\mathbf{R̂ = R}$. The functions $\mathbf{f̂, ĥ}$ are model
state-space functions augmented with the stochastic model of the unmeasured disturbances, which is specified by the numbers of integrator nint_u
and nint_ym
(see Extended Help). Model parameters $\mathbf{p}$ are not argument of $\mathbf{f̂, ĥ}$ functions for conciseness. The $\mathbf{ĥ^m}$ function represents the measured outputs of $\mathbf{ĥ}$ function (and unmeasured ones, for $\mathbf{ĥ^u}$). The matrix $\mathbf{P̂}$ is the estimation error covariance of model
state augmented with the stochastic ones. Three keyword arguments specify its initial value with $\mathbf{P̂}_{-1}(0) = \mathrm{diag}\{ \mathbf{P}(0), \mathbf{P_{int_{u}}}(0), \mathbf{P_{int_{ym}}}(0) \}$. The initial state estimate $\mathbf{x̂}_{-1}(0)$ can be manually specified with setstate!
. This estimator is allocation-free if model
simulations do not allocate.
Keyword arguments with emphasis
are non-Unicode alternatives.
: (deterministic) model for the estimations.i_ym=1:model.ny
output indices that are measured $\mathbf{y^m}$, the rest are unmeasured $\mathbf{y^u}$.σP_0=fill(1/model.nx,model.nx)
: main diagonal of the initial estimate covariance $\mathbf{P}(0)$, specified as a standard deviation vector.σQ=fill(1/model.nx,model.nx)
: main diagonal of the process noise covariance $\mathbf{Q}$ ofmodel
, specified as a standard deviation vector.σR=fill(1,length(i_ym))
: main diagonal of the sensor noise covariance $\mathbf{R}$ ofmodel
measured outputs, specified as a standard deviation vector.nint_u=0
: integrator quantity for the stochastic model of the unmeasured disturbances at the manipulated inputs (vector), usenint_u=0
for no integrator (see Extended Help).nint_ym=default_nint(model,i_ym,nint_u)
: same thannint_u
but for the unmeasured disturbances at the measured outputs, usenint_ym=0
for no integrator (see Extended Help).σQint_u=fill(1,sum(nint_u))
: same thanσQ
but for the unmeasured disturbances at manipulated inputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_u}}$ (composed of integrators).σPint_u_0=fill(1,sum(nint_u))
: same thanσP_0
but for the unmeasured disturbances at manipulated inputs $\mathbf{P_{int_u}}(0)$ (composed of integrators).σQint_ym=fill(1,sum(nint_ym))
: same thanσQ
for the unmeasured disturbances at measured outputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_{ym}}}$ (composed of integrators).σPint_ym_0=fill(1,sum(nint_ym))
: same thanσP_0
but for the unmeasured disturbances at measured outputs $\mathbf{P_{int_{ym}}}(0)$ (composed of integrators).direct=true
: construct with a direct transmission from $\mathbf{y^m}$ (a.k.a. current estimator, in opposition to the delayed/predictor form).α=1e-3
: alpha parameter, spread of the state distribution $(0 < α ≤ 1)$.β=2
: beta parameter, skewness and kurtosis of the states distribution $(β ≥ 0)$.κ=0
: kappa parameter, another spread parameter $(0 ≤ κ ≤ 3)$.
julia> model = NonLinModel((x,u,_,_)->0.1x+u, (x,_,_)->2x, 10.0, 1, 1, 1, solver=nothing);
julia> estim = UnscentedKalmanFilter(model, σR=[1], nint_ym=[2], σPint_ym_0=[1, 1])
UnscentedKalmanFilter estimator with a sample time Ts = 10.0 s, NonLinModel and:
1 manipulated inputs u (0 integrating states)
3 estimated states x̂
1 measured outputs ym (2 integrating states)
0 unmeasured outputs yu
0 measured disturbances d
Extended Help
Extended Help
The Extended Help of SteadyKalmanFilter
details the tuning of the covariances and the augmentation with nint_ym
and nint_u
arguments. The default augmentation scheme is identical, that is nint_u=0
and nint_ym
computed by default_nint
. Note that the constructor does not validate the observability of the resulting augmented NonLinModel
. In such cases, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that it is still observable.
model, i_ym, nint_u, nint_ym, P̂_0, Q̂, R̂, α=1e-3, β=2, κ=0; direct=true
Construct the estimator from the augmented covariance matrices P̂_0
, Q̂
and R̂
This syntax allows nonzero off-diagonal elements in $\mathbf{P̂}_{-1}(0), \mathbf{Q̂, R̂}$.
— TypeExtendedKalmanFilter(model::SimModel; <keyword arguments>)
Construct an extended Kalman Filter with the SimModel
Both LinModel
and NonLinModel
are supported. The process model and the keyword arguments are identical to UnscentedKalmanFilter
, except for α
, β
and κ
which do not apply to the extended Kalman Filter. The Jacobians of the augmented model $\mathbf{f̂, ĥ}$ are computed with ForwardDiff.jl
automatic differentiation. This estimator allocates memory for the Jacobians.
See the Extended Help of linearize
function if you get an error like: MethodError: no method matching (::var"##")(::Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual})
julia> model = NonLinModel((x,u,_,_)->0.2x+u, (x,_,_)->-3x, 5.0, 1, 1, 1, solver=nothing);
julia> estim = ExtendedKalmanFilter(model, σQ=[2], σQint_ym=[2], σP_0=[0.1], σPint_ym_0=[0.1])
ExtendedKalmanFilter estimator with a sample time Ts = 5.0 s, NonLinModel and:
1 manipulated inputs u (0 integrating states)
2 estimated states x̂
1 measured outputs ym (1 integrating states)
0 unmeasured outputs yu
0 measured disturbances d
ExtendedKalmanFilter(model, i_ym, nint_u, nint_ym, P̂_0, Q̂, R̂; direct=true)
Construct the estimator from the augmented covariance matrices P̂_0
, Q̂
and R̂
This syntax allows nonzero off-diagonal elements in $\mathbf{P̂}_{-1}(0), \mathbf{Q̂, R̂}$.
— TypeMovingHorizonEstimator(model::SimModel; <keyword arguments>)
Construct a moving horizon estimator (MHE) based on model
or NonLinModel
It can handle constraints on the estimates, see setconstraint!
. Additionally, model
is not linearized like the ExtendedKalmanFilter
, and the probability distribution is not approximated like the UnscentedKalmanFilter
. The computational costs are drastically higher, however, since it minimizes the following objective function at each discrete time $k$:
\[\min_{\mathbf{x̂}_k(k-N_k+p), \mathbf{Ŵ}, ϵ} \mathbf{x̄}' \mathbf{P̄}^{-1} \mathbf{x̄} + \mathbf{Ŵ}' \mathbf{Q̂}_{N_k}^{-1} \mathbf{Ŵ} + \mathbf{V̂}' \mathbf{R̂}_{N_k}^{-1} \mathbf{V̂} + C ϵ^2\]
in which the arrival costs are evaluated from the states estimated at time $k-N_k$:
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{x̄} &= \mathbf{x̂}_{k-N_k}(k-N_k+p) - \mathbf{x̂}_k(k-N_k+p) \\ \mathbf{P̄} &= \mathbf{P̂}_{k-N_k}(k-N_k+p) \end{aligned}\]
and the covariances are repeated $N_k$ times:
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{Q̂}_{N_k} &= \text{diag}\mathbf{(Q̂,Q̂,...,Q̂)} \\ \mathbf{R̂}_{N_k} &= \text{diag}\mathbf{(R̂,R̂,...,R̂)} \end{aligned}\]
The estimation horizon $H_e$ limits the window length:
\[N_k = \begin{cases} k + 1 & k < H_e \\ H_e & k ≥ H_e \end{cases}\]
The vectors $\mathbf{Ŵ}$ and $\mathbf{V̂}$ respectively encompass the estimated process noises $\mathbf{ŵ}(k-j+p)$ from $j=N_k$ to $1$ and sensor noises $\mathbf{v̂}(k-j+1)$ from $j=N_k$ to $1$. The Extended Help defines the two vectors, the slack variable $ϵ$, and the estimation of the covariance at arrival $\mathbf{P̂}_{k-N_k}(k-N_k+p)$. If the keyword argument direct=true
(default value), the constant $p=0$ in the equations above, and the MHE is in the current form. Else $p=1$, leading to the prediction form.
See UnscentedKalmanFilter
for details on the augmented process model and $\mathbf{R̂}, \mathbf{Q̂}$ covariances. This estimator allocates a fair amount of memory at each time step for the optimization, which is hard-coded as a single shooting transcription for now.
See the Extended Help if you get an error like: MethodError: no method matching (::var"##")(::Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual})
Keyword arguments with emphasis
are non-Unicode alternatives.
: (deterministic) model for the estimations.He=nothing
: estimation horizon $H_e$, must be specified.i_ym=1:model.ny
output indices that are measured $\mathbf{y^m}$, the rest are unmeasured $\mathbf{y^u}$.σP_0=fill(1/model.nx,model.nx)
: main diagonal of the initial estimate covariance $\mathbf{P}(0)$, specified as a standard deviation vector.σQ=fill(1/model.nx,model.nx)
: main diagonal of the process noise covariance $\mathbf{Q}$ ofmodel
, specified as a standard deviation vector.σR=fill(1,length(i_ym))
: main diagonal of the sensor noise covariance $\mathbf{R}$ ofmodel
measured outputs, specified as a standard deviation vector.nint_u=0
: integrator quantity for the stochastic model of the unmeasured disturbances at the manipulated inputs (vector), usenint_u=0
for no integrator (see Extended Help).nint_ym=default_nint(model,i_ym,nint_u)
: same thannint_u
but for the unmeasured disturbances at the measured outputs, usenint_ym=0
for no integrator (see Extended Help).σQint_u=fill(1,sum(nint_u))
: same thanσQ
but for the unmeasured disturbances at manipulated inputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_u}}$ (composed of integrators).σPint_u_0=fill(1,sum(nint_u))
: same thanσP_0
but for the unmeasured disturbances at manipulated inputs $\mathbf{P_{int_u}}(0)$ (composed of integrators).σQint_ym=fill(1,sum(nint_ym))
: same thanσQ
for the unmeasured disturbances at measured outputs $\mathbf{Q_{int_{ym}}}$ (composed of integrators).σPint_ym_0=fill(1,sum(nint_ym))
: same thanσP_0
but for the unmeasured disturbances at measured outputs $\mathbf{P_{int_{ym}}}(0)$ (composed of integrators).Cwt=Inf
: slack variable weight $C$, default toInf
meaning hard constraints only.optim=default_optim_mhe(model)
: aJuMP.Model
with a quadratic/nonlinear optimizer for solving (default toIpopt
, orOSQP
is aLinModel
: construct with a direct transmission from $\mathbf{y^m}$ (a.k.a. current estimator, in opposition to the delayed/predictor form).
julia> model = NonLinModel((x,u,_,_)->0.1x+u, (x,_,_)->2x, 10.0, 1, 1, 1, solver=nothing);
julia> estim = MovingHorizonEstimator(model, He=5, σR=[1], σP_0=[0.01])
MovingHorizonEstimator estimator with a sample time Ts = 10.0 s, Ipopt optimizer, NonLinModel and:
5 estimation steps He
0 slack variable ϵ (estimation constraints)
1 manipulated inputs u (0 integrating states)
2 estimated states x̂
1 measured outputs ym (1 integrating states)
0 unmeasured outputs yu
0 measured disturbances d
Extended Help
Extended Help
The estimated process and sensor noises are defined as:
\[\mathbf{Ŵ} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{ŵ}(k-N_k+p+0) \\ \mathbf{ŵ}(k-N_k+p+1) \\ \vdots \\ \mathbf{ŵ}(k+p-1) \end{bmatrix} , \quad \mathbf{V̂} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{v̂}(k-N_k+1) \\ \mathbf{v̂}(k-N_k+2) \\ \vdots \\ \mathbf{v̂}(k) \end{bmatrix}\]
based on the augmented model functions $\mathbf{f̂, ĥ^m}$:
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{v̂}(k-j) &= \mathbf{y^m}(k-j) - \mathbf{ĥ^m}\Big(\mathbf{x̂}_k(k-j), \mathbf{d}(k-j)\Big) \\ \mathbf{x̂}_k(k-j+1) &= \mathbf{f̂}\Big(\mathbf{x̂}_k(k-j), \mathbf{u}(k-j), \mathbf{d}(k-j)\Big) + \mathbf{ŵ}(k-j) \end{aligned}\]
The constant $p$ equals to !direct
. In other words, $\mathbf{Ŵ}$ and $\mathbf{V̂}$ are shifted by one time step if direct==true
. The non-default prediction form with $p=1$ is particularly useful for the MHE since it moves its expensive computations after the MPC optimization. That is, preparestate!
will solve the optimization by default, but it can be postponed to updatestate!
with direct=false
The Extended Help of SteadyKalmanFilter
details the tuning of the covariances and the augmentation with nint_ym
and nint_u
arguments. The default augmentation scheme is identical, that is nint_u=0
and nint_ym
computed by default_nint
. Note that the constructor does not validate the observability of the resulting augmented NonLinModel
. In such cases, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that it is still observable.
The estimation covariance at arrival $\mathbf{P̂}_{k-N_k}(k-N_k+p)$ gives an uncertainty on the state estimate at the beginning of the window $k-N_k+p$, that is, in the past. It is not the same as the current estimate covariance $\mathbf{P̂}_k(k)$, a value not computed by the MHE (contrarily to e.g. the KalmanFilter
). Three keyword arguments specify its initial value with $\mathbf{P̂_i} = \mathrm{diag}\{ \mathbf{P}(0), \mathbf{P_{int_{u}}}(0), \mathbf{P_{int_{ym}}}(0) \}$. The initial state estimate $\mathbf{x̂_i}$ can be manually specified with setstate!
, or automatically with initstate!
for LinModel
. Note the MHE with $p=0$ is slightly inconsistent with all the other estimators here. It interprets the initial values as $\mathbf{x̂_i} = \mathbf{x̂}_{-1}(-1)$ and $\mathbf{P̂_i} = \mathbf{P̂}_{-1}(-1)$, an a posteriori estimate[2] from the last time step. The MHE with $p=1$ is consistent, interpreting them as $\mathbf{x̂_i} = \mathbf{x̂}_{-1}(0)$ and $\mathbf{P̂_i} = \mathbf{P̂}_{-1}(0)$.
The optimization and the update of the arrival covariance depend on model
- If
is aLinModel
, the optimization is treated as a quadratic program with a time-varying Hessian, which is generally cheaper than nonlinear programming. By default, aKalmanFilter
estimates the arrival covariance (customizable). - Else, a nonlinear program with automatic differentiation (AD) solves the optimization. Optimizers generally benefit from exact derivatives like AD. However, the
functions must be compatible with this feature. See Automatic differentiation for common mistakes when writing these functions. AnUnscentedKalmanFilter
estimates the arrival covariance by default.
The slack variable $ϵ$ relaxes the constraints if enabled, see setconstraint!
. It is disabled by default for the MHE (from Cwt=Inf
) but it should be activated for problems with two or more types of bounds, to ensure feasibility (e.g. on the estimated state $\mathbf{x̂}$ and sensor noise $\mathbf{v̂}$). Note that if Cwt≠Inf
, the attribute nlp_scaling_max_gradient
of Ipopt
is set to 10/Cwt
(if not already set), to scale the small values of $ϵ$. Use the second constructor to specify the arrival covariance estimation method.
model, He, i_ym, nint_u, nint_ym, P̂_0, Q̂, R̂, Cwt=Inf;
covestim=default_covestim_mhe(model, i_ym, nint_u, nint_ym, P̂_0, Q̂, R̂; direct)
Construct the estimator from the augmented covariance matrices P̂_0
, Q̂
and R̂
This syntax allows nonzero off-diagonal elements in $\mathbf{P̂_i}, \mathbf{Q̂, R̂}$, where $\mathbf{P̂_i}$ is the initial estimation covariance, provided by P̂_0
argument. The keyword argument covestim
also allows specifying a custom StateEstimator
object for the estimation of covariance at the arrival $\mathbf{P̂}_{k-N_k}(k-N_k+p)$. The supported types are KalmanFilter
, UnscentedKalmanFilter
and ExtendedKalmanFilter
— TypeInternalModel(model::SimModel; i_ym=1:model.ny, stoch_ym=ss(I,I,I,I,model.Ts))
Construct an internal model estimator based on model
or NonLinModel
provides the model
output indices that are measured $\mathbf{y^m}$, the rest are unmeasured $\mathbf{y^u}$. model
evaluates the deterministic predictions $\mathbf{ŷ_d}$, and stoch_ym
, the stochastic predictions of the measured outputs $\mathbf{ŷ_s^m}$ (the unmeasured ones being $\mathbf{ŷ_s^u=0}$). The predicted outputs sum both values : $\mathbf{ŷ = ŷ_d + ŷ_s}$. See the Extended Help for more details. This estimator is allocation-free is model
simulations do not allocate.
estimator does not work if model
is integrating or unstable. The constructor verifies these aspects for LinModel
but not for NonLinModel
. Uses any other state estimator in such cases.
julia> estim = InternalModel(LinModel([tf(3, [30, 1]); tf(-2, [5, 1])], 0.5), i_ym=[2])
InternalModel estimator with a sample time Ts = 0.5 s, LinModel and:
1 manipulated inputs u
2 estimated states x̂
1 measured outputs ym
1 unmeasured outputs yu
0 measured disturbances d
Extended Help
Extended Help
is a TransferFunction
or StateSpace
object that models disturbances on $\mathbf{y^m}$. Its input is a hypothetical zero mean white noise vector. stoch_ym
supposes 1 integrator per measured outputs by default, assuming that the current stochastic estimate $\mathbf{ŷ_s^m}(k) = \mathbf{y^m}(k) - \mathbf{ŷ_d^m}(k)$ is constant in the future. This is the dynamic matrix control (DMC) strategy, which is simple but sometimes too aggressive. Additional poles and zeros in stoch_ym
can mitigate this. The following block diagram summarizes the internal model structure.
Default Model Augmentation
— Functiondefault_nint(model::LinModel, i_ym=1:model.ny, nint_u=0) -> nint_ym
Get default integrator quantity per measured outputs nint_ym
for LinModel
The arguments i_ym
and nint_u
are the measured output indices and the integrator quantity on each manipulated input, respectively. By default, one integrator is added on each measured outputs. If $\mathbf{Â, Ĉ}$ matrices of the augmented model become unobservable, the integrator is removed. This approach works well for stable, integrating and unstable model
(see Examples).
julia> model = LinModel(append(tf(3, [10, 1]), tf(2, [1, 0]), tf(4,[-5, 1])), 1.0);
julia> nint_ym = default_nint(model)
3-element Vector{Int64}:
default_nint(model::SimModel, i_ym=1:model.ny, nint_u=0)
One integrator on each measured output by default if model
is not a LinModel
Theres is no verification the augmented model remains observable. If the integrator quantity per manipulated input nint_u ≠ 0
, the method returns zero integrator on each measured output.